Dive into our platform’s features and FAQs to learn how to leverage Huddled within your organisation. Accessing Huddled and Huddled Basics are relevant to all users, whereas Admin Tools is only relevant to administrators.
Accessing Huddled
Huddled Basics
Admin Tools
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📝 Note below:
- Some product screenshots might be in dark mode or light mode and look visually different to your actual Huddled workspace.
- You may see tabs, pages, icons, buttons, screens in the product screenshots but not within your actual Huddled workspace – this is primarily due to the access level assigned to your account by your institution.
- All product screenshots include fake user data, messages and posts populated by the Huddled team in order to simulate what your Huddled workspace might look like. We extend credit to various artists at Unsplash for providing user profile pictures.